I am a Portland, OR based Actor (Equity Membership Candidate). A native Californian transplanted to Boston via New England Conservatory of Music where I received a double Master’s in Vocal and Opera Performance. I have been seen in numerous character roles on both the East and West Coast.


Mdme.Thenardier -Les Miserables - MPA

Madame de la Grande Bouche - Beauty and the Beast - Reagle Music Theatre

The Witch - Into the Woods - Fiddlehead Theatre Company

The Beggar Woman - Sweeny Todd - The Footlight Club

Miss Angela Prysock (Princess Puffer) - Mystery of Edwin Drood - MPA

Ruth - Pirates of Penzance - Mock’s Crest

Saraghina - Nine - Lakewood Theatre

Eulalie M. Shinn - Music Man - Broadway Rose


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